STORY ELEMENT STORYTELLER’S CHOICE EFFECT Character development: the arrival of Beowulf: gleaming Beowulf armor, the watchman’s stunned, creates the sense of a larger- amazed reaction than-life, almost godlike figure Plot Settings Archetypal Pattern \begin R n. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a short story or a long novel, the core elements are always there. STORY ELEMENTS ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, ORGANIZERS. Heres the poetry anchor chart that I made originally with kinder and 1st grade When I looked at the concepts 2nd and 3rd. Story elements are needed to create a well-structured story. Story Elements Anchor Chart-Refrain Included by MissCamposs TPT. Students learn the characters in the story, plot. ApWhat do all good stories have in common And no it’s not aliens or big explosions It’s the five elements of a story: Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict and Resolution. Complete the partially filled-in chart, noting specific story elements, the storyteller's choices regarding these elements, and the effects of these choices on the audience. A story element graphic organizer is a visual tool to help students understand different story elements.
A storyteller's choices regarding how to develop and relate story elements (such as plot, setting, character development, and archetypal patterns) affect audiences' reactions to the story.